It’s that time of year where the days are growing longer and we start to cast our minds to balmy evenings outside sipping rose (or perhaps thats just me!). While this Spring/Summer season may look a little different this year, we can still enjoy the cathartic process of rotating out our winter pieces and refreshing our wardrobes with linens, soft colours and dreamy lightweight fabrics.
I began this process myself over this past weekend and I feel so refreshed as a result. There is something about marking time in this way, that feels like a positive step forward- especially with all we have been contending with in 2020.
Spring time is about fresh starts and new life, and I am feeling that sentiment more than ever this year.
I have detailed my easy five step process to rotate out your wardrobe for the beginning of the season. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere the same principles apply, except you will be heading into Autumn instead.
STEP 1: Pull Everything Out of Storage
Start by pulling all of your warm weather pieces out of storage and find a place where you will be able to easily review them. I love using a garment rail for this step as it gives me a really clear view of what I have available to me this season. You will be shocked about how many pieces you forgot about!
STEP 2: Review
The next step is the review each item. Think of this as a mini wardrobe edit and apply the same rules. Try on every piece and ask yourself these questions:
Does it still fit me?
Does it still suit my lifestyle?
Is it in good condition and if not, am I willing to fix it?
By challenging yourself with these questions, you are being intentional with your wardrobe and only allowing the pieces which truely serve you and bring you joy back into your space.
STEP 3: Pack Down Autumn/Winter
Regardless of the size of my wardrobe, I always pack down my seasonal pieces and store them away for the next six months. For myself, this includes faux fur, leather pants, coats, winter fabrics such as boucle and autumnal coloured pieces.
Even if its a piece that you could technically wear over the warmer months such as a rust check blazer, it still might be worth packing away. The benefit to this is having a visual break from the item for a while. When its out of sight for a period of time, you will look at it with brand new eyes when it comes back out of storage and it will feel like new again. This is the very definition of shopping your own wardrobe.
This also creates space in your current wardrobe and truly evokes that feeling of newness as we move into the new season. You will be blown away at how much this can clear your mind when you are getting ready in the mornings.
A special note if you live in a cooler or unpredictable climate such as Melbourne. It’s a good idea to keep a couple of key coats on hand to keep you covered during random cold snaps or evenings. The weather is so up and down every Spring, I honestly feel like we forget this.
STEP 4: Prep Your Pieces for Integration
Your Autumn/Winter capsule has been packed down and there is brilliant white space shining from your wardrobe. Before you get excited and integrate your summer pieces in, take a moment to make sure everything has been perfectly prepped first. There is honestly nothing worse than being in a hurry to leave in the morning and realising that the item you want to wear is stained/crinkled/needing a button.
Take the time to steam or press your garments before filing them away.
Take note of any light repairs that need to be made and do them in the moment
If something has a stain on it (as I found out) put it straight in the laundry for treating
Put items aside which require more complex alterations or dry-cleaning and make a note to complete that task this week.
STEP 5: Research and Recon
Now comes the fun part. We have a freshly steamed and prepped new summer wardrobe- its time to play. Take some time to create a few outfits that you can reference on those mornings where you’re in a crunch. I like to keep little outfit combos I come up with saved on my camera roll for easy access.
If you need more inspo for outfit creation, I also love Pinterest. Check out my post for a step by step guide on how to find inspiration for new outfits here.
Take note of any gaps in your wardrobe.
Are there items which needed replacing for any reason?
Do you remember you felt like you were lacking a particular piece last season that would bring lots of looks together?
Is there a new season item that will instantly elevate your wardrobe?
Sometimes while I am pulling seasonal capsules together I like to make a mood board. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy- I literally will screen cap items from online stores and put them on a powerpoint presentation together so I can see how they correlate. Have fun with it. This is your chance to breathe new life into your personal style.
And congrats, you are done. Pour a prosecco and celebrate the new season and fresh opportunities that comes with it!
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